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Your Question

I am a 25 year old male in a wheelchair with cerebral palsy, meaning that the neurons in my brain are damaged. My legs can do limited walking. Can you help me with my sexuality?

My Answer

There are many resources for people with physical disabilities. I did a quick search on by typing in “sex for the disabled” and came up with several. I would suggest you do the same.

Outdated attitudes about people with disabilities are being challenged and it’s recognized that all people, with or without disabilities, have sexual needs that deserve to be met. There are many groups and web sites for physically disabled people who would like to connect with other disabled people, such as (I found them on my search but have no knowledge of whether they are reputable or not. They appear to be at first glance.) If you would like to speak to a counselor about your feelings and/or needs, the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists at provides a complete listing of sexuality professionals in your area.

Hope this helps!

Posted in: Ask Candida Archive