Your Question
How can I know if my wife is female ejaculating or urinating? Sometimes the fluid she squirts has a strong odor like urine.
My Answer
There is debate over whether women really ejaculate. Dr. Beverly Whipple did a lot of research on the subject and addresses this in her book called The G-Spot, as does Debbie Sundahl in her video on the subject.
I found this on www.coolnurse,com:
“There is a some disagreement whether or not there really is a form of ‘female ejaculation’. Female ejaculation is believed to be caused by a release of fluid from the Skene’s glands. These glands are located inside the urethra. The Skene’s gland is similar to the prostate gland in guys. It produces a fluid that is similar to the chemical composition of prostatic fluid — which is what makes up the majority of semen. (It’s possible that some urine may leak out during sex from pressure on the bladder for some women. This is not to say that ejaculation fluid is urine). When ‘non-scientific’ lab tests were done on fluid produced from from the Skene’s gland and during female ejaculation, it was determined to not be urine at all.”
Hope this helps!
Your Question
I am seeing a lot of adult movies that advertise “squirting” orgasms. I have seen a few scenes where the girl supposedly “squirts”. Is this a fake, or does it really exist? Can my girlfriend do it?
My Answer
Dr. Beverly Whipple, most famous for her groundbreaking book, “The G-Spot”, did extensive research on female ejaculation and she, along with many reputable sex researchers, believes some women do indeed ejaculate a clear, odorless liquid during orgasm, particular those brought on by stimulation of the G-spot. A few years ago, a film-maker named Debbie Sundahl put out a video called “How to Female Ejaculate” on Femme Fatale Video. It is probably still available through certain mail-order companies like or Eve’s Garden.
While some contend that any woman can learn to do this, it is important to remember that love-making can be fraught with concerns and insecurities. Applying even more pressure to “perform” in another way isn’t always productive. While some women obviously do ejaculate, many don’t. Your girlfriend should not be made to feel like she must learn something that may not come naturally to her at all. But if she is so inclined, this book or video should help.
Hope this helps!
Posted in: Ask Candida Archive